“It is said that women in labor leave their bodies...

they travel to the stars to collect the souls of their babies,

and return to this world together.”


Specialized Services to

Support the mind, body, and soul throughout the perinatal experience

    • trying to conceive

    • pregnancy & birth

    • family integration

mind | body | birth | baby

healing arts | birth preparation | clinical lactation care



Birth can be a healing, transformative, alchemizing process that connects us with ourselves, our bodies wisdom, our ancestry, and the creative spirit that births all life.



is to provide holistic, trauma-informed, intuitive, evidence-based services for the perinatal experience

— this includes trauma healing, conscious conception, mindful pregnancy & birth, lactation care, and infant health —

so we can seed a culture where children are born with peace and parents’ wellbeing is nourished through the sacred transition of birth.

where modern clinical care meets ancient intuitive practices.

Childbearing families struggle to find diverse education & healing services that are clinically effective and that also integrate spiritual embodiment practices.

By bringing together modern clinical care through my experience as a maternal care nurse, and the intuitive wisdom of alternative healing modalities, I am able to foster uniquely holistic experiences that support the women and clients I serve.

This allows for experiences of conscious conception, birth, and first-years-Earthside that take into account all of the factors that create balance and cultivate healthy growth for the family.


"Peace on Earth begins with birth."

Jeanne Parvati Baker —